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 De Imagerie / Projecten / Visite Aug ’21 / 19.08.2021

THU 19.08.2021
Het Bos, Ankerrui 5-7, Antwerpen
Food 18h - Films 20h30

Ben De Raes - ‘Waiting Working Hours’ (2019, 16’)

Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis - ‘Maelbeek’ (2020, 15’)

+ Sylvia Schedelbauer - ‘Wishing Well’ (2018, 13’)
+ Artist talk (30’)

Every evening, prior to the screenings, vegetarian food will be served by different collectives. Films are screened at 20h30 and afterwards it is be possible to discuss extensively until midnight.

Tonight Otark will cook! Reservations for the food:

19 augustus Ben de Raes.png

‘Waiting Working Hours’ (2019, 16’) - Ben De Raes

In Waiting Working Hours we scroll through a digital representation of a Brussels’ neighbourhood that seems to be frozen in timel. Using Google Street View images, De Raes constructs a dialogue on labour and economy by engaging with the day workers who are waiting for work and a better future along the Diksmuidelaan.

‘Maelbeek’ (2020, 15’) - Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis

Through a remarkable testimony, Chandoutis depicts the terrorist attack in the Brussels’ subway in Maelbeek. Via a world-created-in-cinema he explores the porous limits of what can (not) be imag(in)ed. He shows the devastation of this unforgettable event in an almost immaterial way and paints a portrait of a woman who is trying to move on with her life.

+ Film of choice: ‘Wishing Well’ (2018, 13’) - Sylvia Schedelbauer

The forest as a metaphor and as a place for personal transformation. Wishing Well expresses a flickering walk in the woods through the eyes of a child. It is a psychedelic journey that is hypnotic through its experimental use of colour, rhythm, light and sound.