NL / Gedurende twee festivals per jaar toont De Imagerie unieke films van zowel beloftevolle makers als meer gevestigde namen in het documentaire, politieke en experimentele filmlandschap. De makers zijn steeds aanwezig en brengen naast hun eigen werk inspirerende films van andere makers mee om in dialoog te treden met het publiek. In aanwezigheid van Dusica Drazic, Wim Janssen, Els Opsomer, Annik Leroy, Rosine Mbakam, Rebecca Jane Arthur, Eva Giolo, Ben De Raes, Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis, Eric Baudelaire & Babeth M. Vanloo.
Elke avond, voor aanvang van de films, serveren verschillende collectieven een heerlijke vegetarische maaltijd. Films starten om 20u30 en na afloop kan er tot middernacht uitgebreid nagekaart en gediscussieerd worden.
Visite Filmfestival #8 wordt gecureerd door Eva van Tongeren i.s.m. de uitgenodigde makers & De Imagerie.
Reservaties voor de maaltijden:
EN / During its biannual film festival, De Imagerie shows unique films, from both promising as of more established names from the documentary, political and experimental film landscape. The makers are always present to show their own work and bring along inspiring films by other filmmakers to enter into a dialogue with the public. In the presence of Dusica Drazic, Wim Janssen, Els Opsomer, Annik Leroy, Rosine Mbakam, Rebecca Jane Arthur, Eva Giolo, Ben De Raes, Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis, Eric Baudelaire & Babeth M. Vanloo.
Every evening, prior to the screenings, vegetarian food will be served by different collectives. Films are screened at 20h30 and afterwards it is be possible to discuss extensively until midnight.
Visite Film Festival is curated by Eva van Tongeren in collaboration with the invited makers & De Imagerie.
Reservations for the dinner:
Dušica Dražić
& Wim Janssen
12-15 & 19-22 Aug 2021
Thu 12.08.2021
Els Opsomer
‘Look Me Over Closely, a kitchen note film. ‘ (2019, 3')
‘Niets is voor altijd’ (2020, 5’)
‘What Distracts and Scatters’ (2021, 23')
+ Bouna Médoune Seye - ‘Bandit Cinéma’ (1992, 26')
+ Artist talk (30’)
Fri 13.08.2021
Annik Leroy
‘Vers la mer’ (1999, 87’)
+ Laura Waddington - Cargo (2001, 29’)
+ Artist talk (30’)
Sat 14.08.2021
Rosine Mbakam
‘Les deux visages d’une femme Bamiléké’ (2017, 76’)
+ Auguste Bernard Kouemo Yanghu - ‘Les empreintes Douloureuses’ (2015, 18’)
+ Artist talk (30’)
Sun 15.08.2021
Rebecca Jane Arthur
& Eva Giolo
‘Liberty: an ephemeral statute’ (2020, 38’)
‘A Tongue Called Mother’ (2019, 25’)
+ Artist talk (30’)
Thu 19.08.2021
Ben De Raes
Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis
‘Waiting Working Hours’ (2019, 16’)
‘Maelbeek’ (2020, 15’)
+ Sylvia Schedelbauer - ‘Wishing Well’ (2018, 13’)
+ Artist talk (30’)
Fri 20.08.2021
Eric Baudelaire
‘The Anabasis of May and Fusako Shigenobu, Masao Adachi and 27 Years without Images’ (2011, 66’)
+ Chris Marker - ‘L’Ambassade’ (1973, 20’)
+ Artist talk (30’)
Sat 21.08.2021
Babeth M. Vanloo
’Arnold Schwarzenegger - The Art of Bodybuilding’ (2020,8’)
‘Berlin Wall & Sex Pistols’ (1978, 15’)
+ Bruce Conner - ‘Mongoloid’ (1978, 4’)
+ Ulrike Ottigner - ‘Superbia – der Stolz’ (1986, 15’)
+ Artist talk (30’)
Sun 22.08.2021
Dušica Dražić
& Wim Janssen
‘FPS’ (2015, 3’, Double Super 8, Colour)
+ John Brahm - ‘Time Enough at Last’ (1959, 25’)
+ Zlatko Grgić, Boris Kolar, Ante Zaninović - ‘Martin na vrhu’ (1970, 8’)
+Neša Paripović - ‘N.P. 1977’ (1977,23’)
+ Stan Brakhage - ‘Commingled Containers’ (1997, 4’)
+ Chris Welsby - ‘Wind Vane’ (1972, 8’)